Plant Futurist Feature: Ivy Zhao, UM

Meet Ivy Zhao, an enthusiastic undergraduate student from the University of Michigan, deeply engaged in the realm of plant-centric food systems.

My advice to future student leaders is to focus on your community. Every campus is different and every student is at a different place in their journey. Creating a safe space and a friendly environment will help you amass a diverse group of people, from meat eaters, to long vegans. From engineers, to pre-medical students. So much more people are curious about plant-centric food systems than you would think! 
— Ivy Zhao
What excites you about plant-centric food systems?

My favorite thing about plant-centric food systems is how much there is to explore within them. From types of plant-centric food, to the engineering feats required to produce them, to the medically relevant health benefits, the community that is focussed on this common goal is unbelievably huge. There are so many people to meet and so much more to learn! 

What led you to want to get involved in Plant Futures?

I was inspired by their focus on the students. Oftentimes, as an undergraduate student, it’s not uncommon to feel overlooked or like an assistant rather than a leader. Plant Futures nixes this sentiment by going as far as including the students in their mission statement. The trust and partnership between the professional network and the student chapters is something very valuable. As someone who is passionate about creating a community in my university and making a difference in plant-centric food systems, I appreciate the creative freedom that is allowed for me and my fellow board members to tailor the Plant Futures experience to our personal campus. 

What have you enjoyed about being in your chapter at UM?

I’ve enjoyed the local and national community that me and the other students here at UM have been able to be involved in. Although it has only been a month or two into leading this chapter, I’ve already met with so many local and national companies that are working towards a common goal. Just the other week, I personally met with Topanga, a startup that is focused on bringing sustainable packaging to college campuses. Our organization has now established a partnership with them and with several other student organizations, and hope to bring their program to our campus by 2024. I’ve also talked to VegMichigan, a local nonprofit organization focussed on the education and promotion of a plant-based diet, who we’ve partnered with to host a plant-based tailgate. It’s amazing to meet with other people from this community, listen to their journeys, and even be able to aid them in achieving their goals. Just seeing how excited my organization is about all of these new projects makes all of the hard work worth it. 

Plant Futures

Creating a Diverse, Multi-disciplinary Talent Pipeline for the Global Plant-Rich Food and Agriculture Sectors

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