Chapter Digest Q1-2O24

We’re thrilled to share our first quarterly Chapter Digest covering the highlights of Q1 this year.

The growth of our network to kick off the new year has been truly remarkable - with 15 new schools and counting! We're continually inspired by the passion, dedication, and charisma of our student leaders and members.

This community consistently works towards creating the necessary changes for our food system and the world at large, and we couldn’t be prouder.

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Take a moment to peruse the digest, where you can welcome our new schools, applaud some amazing on-campus events from across the country, and meet some of our chapter leaders.

Plant Futures

Creating a Diverse, Multi-disciplinary Talent Pipeline for the Global Plant-Rich Food and Agriculture Sectors

Plant-Powered Pathways #67


Exploring the Plant-Based Movement: A Conversation with Author Nina Guilbeault