Plant-Powered Pathways #66 - Apply to the ProVeg Incubator

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Apply to the PorVeg Incubator

Apply to the PorVeg Incubator ↓

ProVeg International is looking for outstanding, mission-driven talent to join Kickstarting for Good. It’s the food awareness organisation's programme to launch and grow new nonprofits and impact initiatives. Applications for the 2024 cohort are now open.Selected applicants will participate in a 10-week expert-led programme with a bespoke curriculum, expert mentoring, and exclusive networking opportunities. Participants will team up with like-minded co-founders, spend two intensive weeks in Berlin, receive a grant of up to $5,000 to cover travel and accommodation costs and get invited to the Pitch Day at the end of the programme.Kickstarting for Good is the world’s first incubator and accelerator programme aimed specifically at nonprofit organisations and impact initiatives working on transforming the food system. It is the not-for-profit programme of the ProVeg Incubator, which has been working with over 100 food tech startups in the last five years.

Learn more and apply here:

Plant Futures

Creating a Diverse, Multi-disciplinary Talent Pipeline for the Global Plant-Rich Food and Agriculture Sectors

Plant Futurist Feature: Patrick Montague-Jones


Plant-Powered Pathways #65